Finals Season: Time to Hit the Books

This weeks challenge: Reading.

With final projects and large tests looming around the corner, the constant consumption of knowledge normally results in a Netflix binge at the end of the day. This last week, I had a different approach than my normal routine of video consumption. I have never been a big reader and once I got a phone in high school, reading became a much rarer occurrence. I challenged myself to read non-scholarly material for at least 30 minutes a day and here is what I found.

1. What was the biggest change/effects I noticed?

I was expecting to become a chore. That last thing I want to do after reading material, reading emails, or writing a paper is to relax by ….reading. Amazingly, I found that I was able to relax very quickly because that material I was now consuming was an enjoyable narrative, not a chore that I would have to report on. I felt much more refreshed after I put the book done instead of the normal sluggish feeling I feel when watching a show.

2. What were minor changes/effects that occurred throughout the week?

I started falling asleep way quicker. I think the active use of my brain to read as opposed to the mindless consumption of media tired it out more. When it was time to sleep, shutting off was easy.

3. Was this health habit enjoyable?

My book of choice this week was the classic series of Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein. If you haven’t read it, I cannot recommend it higher. Genuinely amazing writing and series defining literature. It was a very relaxing and enjoyable habit.

4. How can this health habit sustainable in the long term?

This is probably the most sustainable habit I have done this whole semester. I personally think that having a good book to read makes this habit the most sustainable. Having a reading list and being open to suggestions makes sure you’ll never run out of material.

I hope to continue this trend because it has been one of the most refreshing to attempt.  There is not much to say about this habit other than peaceful. It was peaceful. Honestly, just try it for yourself because it can totally change your day. Right now, you probably have more time than you normally do, so pick up a book and enjoy  the experience. I don’t have much to say about this habit because it just pleasant. At this time in life, we could all use a refreshing habit because ready or not…

Life Willkomm

I Cannot Stress This Enough

This week, we have guest blogger Morgan Meade giving tips on how to relieve stress. 

Stress Relief!!!

Hello everybody! Stress is something that can impact your life negatively if you don’t manage it correctly! Being students, we have a lot on our plate with our classes, friends, families, jobs, and more! It is crucial that we take time for ourselves to relax and “treat” ourselves. There are different steps you can take to manage stress and to take time for yourself. 

One great way to relieve stress is by exercising! Exercise helps boost endorphins in your body and is proven to also reduce stress and tension. I have realized this a lot in my life and how if I am having a bad day or very stressed out that after I work out, I always feel so much better than before.  

Another great way is just by unwinding after a long day. Do something that will make you feel at peace. My recommendation for this method is just to light a candle, maybe get a bubble bath going, put your phone away, and really relax. Being on your phone too much can just remind you of the stressful things going on in your life. That is why I think it is the best idea to put it away while trying to relax! Taking bubble baths has always been something that has really helped me to relax and feel at peace so I also recommend those who are very stressed to give this a try. If you get some good smelling soap for the bath, that can help too!! 

Another idea that I have done is by journaling and making sure to write down things. Journaling is beneficial because it can help you get feelings you have had bottled up out of your head so much. It is nice to be able to share these without really sharing information that might be private and personal to you! Another way that writing things down can be beneficial is by making lists of what tasks you need to get done so that you know what is all on your plate!!

Lastly, the best and my favorite way to relieve stress is by laughing and taking the time to spend with those who mean the most to you. Laughing is so important and a good laugh can really turn your mood around! Make sure to focus on those in your life who make you laugh and who help to take your stress away!