Bobber Fishing

This is what I grew up on. For a young boy, there is nothing more exciting than watching your bobber submerge and take off. Most kids are introduced to fishing this way, and for good reason. It’s the simplest form in terms of set-up, and people have literally been fishing this way since the beginning of time–which means its in our DNA! That excitement when you have a fish on a line is definitely programmed into us, because before modern times, catching a fish meant dinner for your family. In the beginning, most people bobber fish for the panfish; bluegills, crappies, pumpkinseed, perch. All you gotta do is find a good spot and be sure not to overfish it. This means keeping your spots secret! In the summer, I like to do a little more advanced bobber fishing for catching Northern Pike. The versatility with what you can do with a bobber is awesome, and its so much fun too. So get out there and bobber fish, damnit
I’m glad I read this post becuase whenever I fish with my cousin, he makes fun of me for using a bobber! I’m glad there is good use and merit to bobber fishing! Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge!
Tyler Wojcik
It sucks I have been keeping up with other blogs and missed this one. This was actually enjoyable to read. I remember my first time watching the bobber and just waiting. You really get distracted watching it, I got sunburn too many times just standing there watching for hours. I look forward to the next post.
Thanks for sharing!
Alijah Peper
Bobber fishing is how I was introduced to fishing at a young age to. I don’t think I’ve used a bobber to fish in a couple of years or so, but starting off fishing with one helped me transition into different forms of fishing.
Madison Sabel
I still enjoy using a bobber when I go fishing. It is a lot easier for me and weirdly enough there’s more satisfaction using a bobber (for me)! I’m not an active fisher but do agree this is a great starting point.