McClane Noffke’s J347 Blog

About the Auther

McClane Noffke is a current student at the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater. She is studying Journalism with an emphasis on Print, Web, and Broadcast Journalism while also minoring in Public Relations. During her time at the UW-Whitewater, McClane has been an active participant on campus. She has been part of the university television station, UWW-TV, since 2020. At the station, she performs as the talent for “For The Health Of It” and is the scriptwriter for the weekly UWW-TV News Update. She has experience in both “soft” and “hard” news during her time as a scriptwriter for the UWW-TV station. She has continued her work at the station by becoming the Student News Producer, where she is in charge of writing, filming, editing, and finalizing each and every UWW-TV News Update. She has also taken on the role of Student Supervisor for the UWW-TV News Department, where she oversees all of the recent news productions, from the Sports Update, to the RHA Update, and even to her own weekly News Update.

And as of 2022, McClane Noffke is also employed by UW-Whitewater’s Community-Based Learning program as an undergraduate assistant. At CBL McClane is in charge of creating and disseminating a monthly CBL newsletter, maintaining the UWW CBL website, publicizing and promoting CBL activities occurring across campus, and oversees all marketing and media related to CBL.

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