Press Release: UW Whitewater student seeks Congress for establishing a connect with DPAA for class project and investigative journalism workshop

PRESS RELEASE— The Wisconsin Air National Guard’s Volk Field continues the journey regarding the ongoing absence with namesake 1st Lt. Jerome A. Volk. November 7, 2021, marked his 70th anniversary as an MIA, which stands for “missing-in-action.”  In many ways, the POW MIA symbolize what attending college later in life feels like. Social isolation on campus feels like being a prisoner to bureaucracy.

As a service officer, the common complaint Burt addresses with the university stems from cultural incongruity on campus. Veterans do not feel welcome and feel lost on campus. Burt’s Madison College honors literature review unearthed the truth about cultural incongruity and those veterans feel they are in a hopeless state of affairs with feeling a sense of belonging.

The upcoming Independent Study 498 investigation at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater seeks the help of Congress with addressing readjustment through the symbolic representation of the POW MIA and a new way of treating PTSD through the Mission Act at Outpost 422.

Burt’s project doubles as a student veteran inclusivity campaign and an awareness campaign for POW MIA families missing their loved ones. Outpost 422 is a Congressional lobby and advocacy requiring the University of Wisconsin recognize our POW MIA for diversity, equity and inclusion.

Today, the brand announcement invites our Congressional delegates the opportunity to bring forward sensitive information regarding the location of the remains returned from North Korea for a university call to action for remembering the POW MIA. Symbolically, the POW MIA issue represents all veterans on campus as the priority.

Their silence speaks in print. Publishing is their advocacy.

Outpost 422 is creating a workshop for training scholars how to request assistance from the Department POW MIA Accounting Agency. Outpost 422 is a lobby pressroom that publishes through UWW blogs. The outpost is on the lookout for the location of Volk through the assembly of an ad hoc press committee headquartered at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater starting fall of 2022.

Bradley J. Burt, Outpost 422 CEO and University of Wisconsin-Whitewater journalism double major, seeks the help of Congress for the assembly of an ad hoc disabled veteran mandated reporting agency, which doubles as a POW MIA inclusivity campaign.

Burt and Dr. James Kates, Burt’s independent study 498 professor, are working together with developing a convergent media workshop, which teaches students how to locate open records, request interviews with political and military leaders in Washington and converges all forms of media from the investigation into one multimedia story.

Burt reached out to organizations such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of Wisconsin and Rolling Thunder Inc., who denied his request for assistance with connecting with a point of contact at the Department of POW Accounting Agency. The next step is the process of cold calling for support.

The organizations were a part of Burt’s capstone 486 final project who agreed to help him assemble his ad hoc press lobby. The press release takes on the timeliness of Volk’s 70th year missing for an editorial publication on the third Thursday in September, which is recognized as POW MIA Recognition Day.

Because of the retaliation experienced by the VFW and Rolling Thunder Inc., Burt has no other choice but to notify the university these organizations must be removed from campus for their inexcusable behavior and treatment of a disabled veteran.  

Rolling Thunder Inc. State Liaison Mark Herrmann was approached after the July membership meeting, who retaliated against Burt for speaking up through an Op-ed published on Burt’s website at Outpost

“I read your podcast,” Rolling Thunder Inc. State of Wisconsin Liaison Mark Herrmann said. ” I don’t want you contacting national. We’re done. Cool it.”

Prior to the July meeting, Burt was recognized by Herrmann’s chapter for his work with both the capstone and corporate and health communication team projects. Herrmann retaliated over the involvement of Student Veterans of America’s past president, who currently works for Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs.

The project has caused controversy on campus over the argument that the veterans lounge is a hostile learning environment. Burt has requested the university dissolve the lounge and replace the area with a POW MIA inclusivity mural designed using copies of Burt’s retrieved records as a museum style exhibit.

The office in the lounge created conflict that led to the departure of Harris. Harris attempted to create a multimedia conference room that would act as a relay to the VITAL program.

The university did not try to stop their ad hoc behavior when approached. Instead, administration neglected the services of someone who needed VA representation.

The office will be named the Richard Harris Veterans Resource Center once the lounge is dissolved. There is no excuse for retaliation and adversity as a means for treating student veterans with PTSD.

Outpost 422 was named from the Trump Administration as a representative of the PREVENTS program, which offered funding for ending veteran suicide.

Outpost 422 quickly developed through the UW Whitewater journalism program that teaches those with disabilities how to advocate their needs.

Outpost 422 is a campus overwatch and was recognized by G.I. Jobs magazine for the student veteran leadership award in 2021. Burt is seeking a chance at building a federal ad hoc committee for reporting occurrences that doubles as an inclusivity campaign standing up to cultural incongruity with military culture on campus for his trademark’s class project.

Burt seeks funding for his projects and an honorary wall on campus recognizing the POW MIA as a priority for publication in both the press and the classroom.

That no professor may retaliate when anyone seeks researching and publishing the POW MIA issue for class projects.

An admonishment letter was sent to Rolling Thunder Inc. national reporting Herrmann’s prior restraint. The prior restraint of Outpost 422 sought the disenfranchisement of Burt’s right to freely advocate and publish issues concerning the ad hoc methods of the university through the VSO president.

So, let’s recap. The university allowed their veterans resource coordinator the opportunity to intimidate Burt on the day his registered trademark published. The university required Burt to go through his aggressor for all communications.

The veterans resource coordinator was hostile and tolerated cultivating hostility in the lounge. The lounge must be disbanded and replaced with a safe zone for all students to use in distress, which is the business model of Outpost 422.

The university is responsible for tolerating intimidation and retaliation through the VSO president who suppressed Burt’s access to VA services his previous college provided.

The Op-ed addresses what happens when the university goes off the rails and takes matters into their own hands with trauma informed veterans.  

Outpost 422 is meeting with both members of Congress and the University of Wisconsin addressing concerns witnessed on campus with the Student Veterans of America, VFW and their constituents who support the university’s ad hoc methods.

The next step seeks creating a relay between the VA, the pentagon, the Department of Defense, the Department of POW MIA Accounting Agency and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, which interviews veterans in distress, POW MIA families and those dealing with readjustment issues research the POW MIA for class projects that help them find their center.

The advocacy offers surveys and workshops as a search and rescue for all who are on the verge of dropping out of college and those who seek private care mental health services through the relay of Outpost 422. The next step is cultivating awareness.

“Many Veterans enter college and university life directly out of the military. This is a significant life transition, and most people need time to adjust to the new setting, culture, and experiences of campus life. This transition is more difficult for some Veterans than for others. They may need more help with physical or mental health issues or with the practical aspects of transitioning to this new environment. That’s where VITAL can help,” states.

Burt’s readjustment into college started through the VA’s Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership (VITAL) program, which gave him the opportunity to work as a representative of the PREVENTS program. Burt’s trademark seeks the help of corporations for reintegration and adjustment.

Burt created the Congressional ad hoc press lobby because of his experience with the Student Veterans of America and the VFW restraining his ability to cultivate diversity. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater administration continues to tolerate adverse behavior in the veterans lounge through their moral agent and veteran resources coordinator.

UW Whitewater has a problem and has the right to resolve the issue. Outpost 422 seeks Congress and their help resolving issues with disabled veterans on campus.

Outpost 422 seeks help with bringing the POW MIA home by establishing an interactive resource for press coverage of ongoing events happening at DPAA.

Outpost 422 needs help with establishing a DPAA point of contact for receiving press releases, open records requests and interviewing officials. Outpost 422 is a class project seeking the location of the returned Korean War remains so that Burt can teach the value of military culture through his Washington backpack journalism lobby, which is his corporate and health communication capstone projects.

There is no excuse for tolerating continued abuse on campus of any disabled veteran. Outpost 422 will continue advocating for the POW MIA and addressing the ongoing retaliation the trademark experiences advocating for the VITAL program on campus.

For interview requests and more information, please go to and fill out the contact form and let’s get to work advocating for inclusivity of the POW MIA on all UW campuses.


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