About Horror Reviewed
The topic I plan to discuss on my blog is horror movie reviews for college students. This blog will aim to not only discuss a wide variety of horror movies, but also provide suggestions tailored specifically to college students based on style, topics, release dates, and streaming options.

I have always been passionate about filmmaking, and horror is one of my favorite genres. I have seen a wide variety of horror movies over the years and cannot wait to discuss every detail, including but not limited to the plot, atmosphere, casting, storytelling, setting, and methods used to induce fear. Some of the content I could see myself producing for the blog are comprehensive movie reviews, comparisons/competitions of movies based on scoring in different categories, reviews of different streaming services/platforms and how good they are for fans of horror movies, “Top 10” lists, and “Movies to binge this Halloween.” My intended audience will be primarily college students or college-aged individuals. I will achieve this focus by using my perspective as a college student myself. Overall, this blog will primarily focus on the unique reviews of horror movies, but it will be tailored for and targeted at college students and college-aged individuals
Tags: #film, #halloween, #horror, #review