A Mighty Bowl of Goodness

So, I’ve been really trying to figure out how to incorporate veggies into my meals more.  I don’t know about you..but I am not a fan.  But, there’s no escaping it!  Veggies provide lots of essential vitamins and minerals, and freezer veggies are respectively priced.  Anyways, I needed a solid dinner to fill me up and I put some odds and ends together.  I ended up making a pretty good bowl of veggies, protein and carbs, and the best part is that it actually tasted good!  Due to my distain for greens, I’m going to assume that if I like it then anybody would.

Overall Price:

Ingredients: $3.50

-1/2 a sweet potato (.50 cents)

-1/2 cup of bell pepper (.50 cents)

-1/2 cup of broccoli cutlets (.50 cents)

-1/2 cup of rice (.30 cents)

-3 strips of chicken ($1.50)

-1 tablespoon of olive oil (.20 cents)


1. Prepare/cut up the sweet potato, bell pepper, broccoli and chicken and preheat oven to 425 degrees


2. Put mixture onto pan and cover with olive oil and put it oven for 20 minutes


3. While the veggies and chicken and cooking, prepare rice by mixing with 1 cup of water and microwave it for 5 minutes

4. Mix veggies, chicken and rice together and enjoy!



Overall Thoughts:

This dinner was very filling and GOOD.  All the flavors mixed together for a great overall meal that I can make again!  I’m thinking next time to add some seasoning or sauce.  I’ve also found an appreciation for sweet potatoes.