Rush Events

At the beginning of each semester, IFC hosts a rush week for all of the fraternity’s in the council. Rush events consists of fun activities or events hosted by each fraternity. From there, students will have the opportunity to meet the brothers of each fraternity while also having the opportunity to potentially be recruited.

For Chi Sigma Tau National Fraternity Inc, there are many events that we have hosted during the week of rush. Most of our events are usually informationals while also having other fun recreational activates to do, such as bowling, basketball/volleyball, & playing video games with the bros.

The Active House

Chi Sigma Tau National Fraternity Inc. chapter currently has 5 brothers active for the spring semester of 2022. As the Eta Chapter of Chi Sigma Tau National Fraternity Inc., there are 43 brothers in total who have crossed at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

Here are the names and executive board positions of this year’s active members of Chi Sigma Tau Eta Chapter:

Haiying “Ryzen” Yang – President

Kollen “Genbu” Xiong – Vice President Internal

Meng “Syncrow” Xiong – Vice President External, Secretary

Richard “Absoul” Thomey – Treasurer

Andrew “Bane” Pena – Sergeant at Arms

As brothers who currently hold E-Board positions, we have a responsibility of making sure that we hold ourselves accountable in doing our tasks and to make sure that our chapter is fully functioning within its operations. Every person is tasked with different roles and along with these roles, we have chapter meetings every week to report and update our chapter on our duties & events. We will also provide new updates that have happened during the week at this time.