Introduction to Gender Inclusive Language and Pronouns (for healthcare professionals)
Community Workshop, Virtual Webex Event
Friday, August 28, 12-1 PM
The landscape for creating a gender-inclusive environment is quickly changing as the words that young people specifically use to name and communicate their genders expands. In a 2017 poll conducted by GLAAD, for instance, 12% of millennials named their gender beyond the cisgender male-female binary. This 45-60 minute workshop will introduce participants to LGBTQ vocabulary and provide background information and platforms to practice using gender-inclusive pronouns.
Stephanie Selvick, PhD, works as the LGBT* Coordinator at UW-Whitewater where she also teaches “Introduction to LGBTQ Students” and “Queer Popular Culture”.
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Event Number: 133 913 0581
Password: Pronoun1
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Audio only: +1-855-749-4750
Access code: 1339130581