Category Communication

The Lonely World of Facebook

After reading Stephan Marche’s article titled “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?” and Eric Klinenberg’s article “Facebook Isn’t Making Us Lonely”, it made me think about various functionalities of social media. Of course social media can be seen as a great new… Continue Reading →

Finding Love in all the Right Places

Before you read my thoughts below, I encourage you to read a short article titled: Love Online by Henry Jenkins. Although this piece was written in the ancient times of technology, yes 2002 was a very different time, its messages still… Continue Reading →

Power of Social Media: From a Stolen Phone to an Egyptian Uprising

The following post will refer to Clay Shirky’s piece titled: It takes a village to find a phone. See PDF here: Village_phone_Shirky During January of 2011, protesters flooded the streets of Cairo, Egypt, in opposition of President Mubārak. Because of the… Continue Reading →

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