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Robin Room this week

Several days this week we made and played with playdough.

This has been an interest for many of the children – whether it is mixing the dough or smashing it with our hands. Making dough like this is our first steps into cooking experiences. While we do encourage everyone to use their hands with the dough, everyone tastes it once in a while (some more often). On Wednesday we tried making textured dough by adding rice to the recipe. This did not work, the rice continues to fall out of the dough. Now we know 🙂

Any interesting stories or playdough recipes you can share?


I have a few other videos of the group playing that I would like to share with you.

We are beginning to play and interact with each other more and more. On Friday we had several children working on when and how to give hugs. The first step is to ask if the other person wants a hug, wait for their response (also modeling how the other child could respond) and then to hug without tipping over.

Do you have any phrases or routines you use when your child is engaging with others?

Strawberry learning station

Strawberry exploration! 

The strawberry exploration start on Tuesdday after hearing the children talk about strawberries often last week. We started with reading some strawberry facts and exploring  stawberrry with a magnifying glass  and then we tasted it.


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After we moved to centers and painting with strawberries, traced a strawberry with the overhead and made strawberry pizza.

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Today we continue to explore strawberries. We went on a strawberry hunt around the school to find strawberries. The strawberries had the children’s name on them and we read the letters on each strawberry. The children then picked their strawberry when they found it.

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After the hunt we went back to the classroom to read The Little  Mouse and the Big Red Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear and had different picture that went along with the book. Then after some children went over to the projector and acted out the book again.

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The other children made jam with strawberries. We will eat the jam at snack time.

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Here is a youtube link to the story  Little  Mouse and the Big Red Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear!

Do you have any books about strawberries that I can share with the children? Please share below

Has your child ever been strawberry picking? Please tell me about the expereince below