When I am going to Chicago, the one place I want to show to my friends is Nando’s. If you love chicken, then this is the place for you. Nando’s was founded in 1987 in Johannesburg, South Africa. They are a Portuguese-African food restaurant which makes this place even more unique and special. They stick to where they came from! They use their African culture within their restaurants by including the colors and patterns that are used. Even the font that they use on their menus and website is based on African culture. Marks Salimu, and South-African sign writer inspired Nando’s on the creativity of how they want their brand letterings to look. Nando’s is most famous for their spice, PERi PERi, in which they state that “Peri Peri is the heart and soul of Nando’s.” Peri Peri is a Portuguese pepper that Nando’s uses as their special ingredient. (But don’t worry you can pick how spicy you would like your sauce to be). My usual go-to order is the boneless chicken breast with either their red skin mashed potatoes or the garlic bread. When ordering a chicken meal, you get to choose the “PERi-meter” which is the flavor and spice of your sauce…I typically stick to the lemon and herb which is not spicy at all (I know, disappointing). Although this is my favorite place to eat in Chicago, they also are located in a few other places including; District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and of course Illinois.
