Class Summary

Before coming into this class, I had no idea what it was to expect or what it was that I was going to be learning about. It was actually really interesting to see how the class was led and where it went. Starting off with understanding what communication technology was and how that impacted society helped set a strong base for the rest of the semester. It was cool to learn how new communication technologies have impacted our lives by the changes in the society norms and how we communicate to everyone all over the world. The idea that people could instantly message anyone from anywhere with connection was something that blew people away. This created endless opportunities from being able to express oneself to the world, online relationships, the spreading of ideas and many more. Rather than looking at new communication technologies as a way of changing people’s behavior, it more or less emphasised human connection and communication. With the ability to spread news and information around like wildfire and doing so anonymously, people weren’t afraid to show who they really are online and how they really felt about topics or situations. However, because of these new communication technologies, it was debated on whether or not people are becoming more lonelier as they spend more and more of their time online rather than interacting face to face. It also was interesting to learn how new communication technologies are integrated into society and how it becomes the norm, much like iphones and phone apps. The internet and the technologies that have come along with it have proved to physically connect everyone together, but emotionally is still questionable.