Video Game #15 (Mass Effect)

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Let be clear that this TRILOGY was entertaining to the last. My experience of Mass Effect went off the charts when it came to story progression and its gameplay elements. Based on decisions that you as the player made throughout each game affects the story which was really something. Of course not everything isn’t as specific as you might think it is because it leads up to the same course of action on the long run. So you can consider it filler at given times of dialogue and scenes witnessed, but still considered to a fantastic experience nonetheless.

The first game was a nerve wreck as graphics and mechanics weren’t perfect but surprisingly held up. Great climax and ending overall so no doubt it is worth playing. Though I will admit that the water animation (physics) were surprisingly the best I’ve seen in a video game so applause to EA (Electronic Arts) on that. Mass Effect 2 was jaw dropping from start to finish thus the graphics were fixed for the most part. Excellent DLC’s (namely The Lair of the Shadow Broker) and striking ending of the 2nd installment. Between the guy pulling the strings from the 1st and 2nd game, I enjoy the 2nd the most in the transition to the 3rd installment.

Now onto Mass Effect 3. Very enjoyable from the start up to the confrontation of the Illusive Man (2nd guy string from earlier). The ending of the trilogy was a particular nerve wreck that decision making is no longer existent to which I understand perfectly. Was not thrilled of the outcome, but it could have been worse I thought to myself. One things for sure: The Illusive Man was right all along (if that ending was chosen).

So what was your memorable moment of the Mass Effect Trilogy? Good, bad, neutral? Have a great week.

Video Game #10 (Tales of Vesperia)

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This was the last Tales game I played before putting down this franchise. The reason being is that it is not as good compared to what it was back in the early 2000s I saw in my view of the Series. The only Tales game on the Xbox 360 to my knowledge, it turned into a new set of gameplay that I did enjoy. I would have not been able to adapt to the future series just because of a different feel of gameplay.

This was without a doubt a fantastic Tales game just below Symphonia. The only thing that was the downfall was the ending. Those of you who have gotten a chance to get a Xbox 360 to play this, you would understand the sadness that I am about to share. You did everything, fought a semi-Sephiroth as a SECRET end boss was amazing. Tremendous so far right? Right. So this is where we fall from the chain. After countless attempts to tell the bad guy that this is wrong, they said, “You are right.” and walk away. That to me killed me the moment of that response and moving off screen. If the ending was taken for a reshoot, I would do just that. Sadly cannot go that persons way all the time.

The best part was the main character you control. Boy, I can express this in one word: Batman. A figure of doing what is right in his mind; his view to keep the world in balance. I will not go into detail for those who haven’t played it about what really happens, and don’t let my rant on the ending tell you not to play it. Who knows, you might see it differently than me.

With that being said, those of you who played it what did you think of the change of gameplay, storyline, etc.? I really suggest this rare Tales game on the Xbox 360 (hope for a remake/remaster on Playstation in the near future) to be engaged on your road of Video Games to play.

As always, have a great week.

Video Game #5 (Fable)

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A franchise that should be recognized more often. I would say that it had something going for a while, then it fell off the tip of the iceberg.

First and foremost, the good thing was it was a open world so it meant you can explore anywhere when it becomes available. Unfortunately, looking at the first game goes by saying that you as the player need to figure out how to get there with no instructions or map (sorry it’s been a long time since I played it). Figures as such that it is best forgotten since progression was futile.

Moving onto the 2nd game. I really enjoyed it, the worst of it which is more towards doubt was it was too short of a game. Completing tasks and the main storyline felt a cut short type scenario.  This was promised to be longer in the 3rd installment which made me more satisfied of the development.

Which brings me to what could have been better of all three games that I played. The first Fable is a no brainier: make sense of progression than empty after a cutscene or knowing where to go on a existing map. Following up to the second game, it could have delved into more depth of each character and getting to spend time in various areas more. It felt rushed afterward but was a really good game nonetheless. The third and final Fable was a “Wow” moment that it proved to be getting better from previous games and learning from it. Not much of change, but it could have been more precise on the menu interface since I thought it was too vague, but still a great game.

What are your thoughts of this franchise?

Video Game #3 (Lost Odyssey)

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I gathered my thoughts on this game my buddy gave me for my birthday three years ago and now have completed it and would like to share it in today’s blog post.

Lost Odyssey is a traditional RPG (Role Playing Game) that involves tinkering with mechanics that were unique in its own way which was required to succeed in gameplay. Very entertaining at a certain point of the game then finishes at its highest peak. What I enjoyed about it the most however, was the villain’s due came in his favor. Because if you really pay attention (those who have played it) he did succeed in his mission.

Quickly shifting gears, timing of attacks and when using the correct ability/magic on the enemies/bosses were vital since it was well balance in my opinion. So it didn’t matter what level or equipment you had unless you spent hours, days, maybe months to grind to make sure you have a guarantee advantage in various scenarios. I had my moments in combat that one attack can turn the tables relatively fast if not aware, so something to keep in mind when you play it.

The bad things about this game is first and foremost is the first boss when you have the party together (not intro). RNG (Random Number Generator) establishes this perfectly. All I have to say about that is pray you can get through it and move on. Secondly, during combat you cannot go straight to the back row while shield barrier is up (eventually you can work around it). Third, casting magic/ability when the person gets hurt gets delayed. Safe for the enemy to be kept delayed, not so much for your party members. Granted you can cancel it the following turn, but so aggravating (eventually you can nullify it end game). Lastly, ring assembly. I know people love customization, but this don’t serve much purpose on my end. I call this bad one non-existent because you can manage with the rings being given to you from chests, stealing/dropping from enemies/bosses, and side questing so it defeats the purpose if you ask me. Otherwise, I am not saying you should do that feature, just it felt empty in my perspective.

Aside from the negatives, it was a really fun game to play. It felt like playing Final Fantasy, or Dragon Quest in a way. Characters had their moments, music was at its best (in its time), there are events called Dreams that will take time to read and understand what’s happening from his or her perspective of their character, and plot was right on. I would suggest finding your Xbox 360 and give it a go and see what you guys think.

Those of you who have played before, what did you think how it got presented as a traditional RPG at its prime?

Video Game #2 (Infinite Undiscovery)

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I have just finished this game today and it had its moments. I was at first skeptical because it was presented at the start, but it moved forward like any other game I played. However, in my thoughts about Infinite Undiscovery was it turned out to be many game markers in any traditional ARPG’s (Action role-playing game) during the time. Adapted in several ways that was intriguing, but I encountered elements that was difficult to withstand in today’s gaming and looking back from various games during that time. It has been ten years since the game came out that Fall.

I will say the good thing and biggest one of them all was storytelling. This is a game that started off key but eventually picked up. We video gamers experience this from time to time so this isn’t anything new. When talking about Endgame, oh boy it was a thrill ride and just enjoying every moment of it. This brings me to the bad things.

First being that it is difficult to get upgrades when you only have X amount of Fol (gold in this game) since you don’t get much until the start of the endgame. It turns out I had to really grind the Fol and pray for the entire party to survive because enemies and bosses alike were not easy to encounter. Secondly, the gameplay was a little delayed when asking for assistance, attacking, using abilities, and guarding (which proved little since timing was a little wonky).  Lastly, a minor thing I was curious was the ending was rushed a bit. It did show events in its aftermath, however, there was empty space and scenes that could have been filled in more. Otherwise, it was a good game do not give me wrong. Lets just say it’s one of those games that is best played once.

What did you think of the game during the time you played it? Was it able to keep up to standards or it wasn’t there yet in the game genre of ARPGs?

Have a great Week!