Animal Farm
Now that ‘Dancescapes ’17’ is struck, construction on ‘Animal Farm’ begins! Here are some platforms in the shop, just waiting to be legged and bolted together:
These past two afternoons I painted the two drops — one comprised of sheets of plastic, the other erosion cloth. Here they are, drying in the Hicklin:
Here Intro student Jane works with TAs Lilliana and Katie on gridding out the shape of the mud pond:
Speaking of everything to be done on the show, here’s the build chart:
Intro students Steven and Lance in the midst of legging up and bolting together platforming:
The director, Angela Iannone, is going with a ‘found object’ approach to building the windmill, with a ladder as the structural support. While suitcases and crates will be stacked in and around the ladder, I need to build a topper that holds the vanes. Here is the start of that: