Sep 30

It Has Happened Again….

Category: Uncategorized

11675971_f520On September 28, 2016 we added another event to our long list of history. In South Carolina there was a shooting at an elementary school. Two students were shot along with a teacher and they were shot by a teenager that was home schooled. I ask myself everyday why this happens and I can never find an answer. All I can figure out is that we have to much hate in this world. Since we are all still in school, I wonder if you guys have the same fears I do. Every time I go to class I am always thinking what if something like that happens in Whitewater. There are no locks on half of the doors to the classrooms on campus and we have such big windows to see into the classrooms, anyone could get in. We should not have to worry when we go to class about a shooting or a bombing happening but that is just the world we live in I guess. Just make sure if you see any suspicious tell somebody. We want our school to be safe and not be another event on a long list of schools that lost people because of a shooting. And for the families that have lost people to school shootings, I pray for you and I hope your family can pull through this, there is love in this world.  GO WARHAWKS!


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1 Comment so far

  1. Caitlin Kirchner October 2nd, 2016 1:53 pm

    When I read articles like this I get extremely upset. My 3 year old starts school on Tuesday, so now I have to start fearing this happening to him. It becomes much more real when you have to send an extension of yourself to a place where you can’t control what happens! Hopefully one day we won’t have to live with these fears.

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