Shaun Hiemstra – Shaun Hiemstra has been teaching computer science for the past six years including Exploring Computer Science, AP CS Principles and AP CSA. Additionally, he is the Math Team Advisor and JV Basketball coach at Laconia High School.
Ryan Bailey – Ryan Bailey is pursuing a career in the aviation field. Some of his skills include flying the drone itself as well as a little coding to try and help get things to do what they are supposed to do and work the way that they are supposed to.
Chas Glewen – Chas had previous experience with the Arduino before the club had started. He participated in the first engineering class that NASA Engineer, Mark Rober, had put on. He is very involved with the school’s Shop program. He loves to be working and building in the shop. He is also in AP Computer Science, so he is learning different types of coding as well as how to code.
Matik Sullivan – He is interested in engineering and egg. He is going to college for software development after taking 3 computer science courses in high school (2 AP courses) and He feels like he is skilled enough in coding to help make the smaller details of the drone work well.
Mitchell Ludtke – I intend on pursuing a career in Computer Science. I am in my second year of Computer Science classes and I intend on majoring in Computer Science in College. I especially enjoy the problem-solving aspect of coding.
Wyatt Schaefer – Wyatt Schaefer has experience in computer science with classes he’s taken in school. He is planning to pursue engineering as his career. Some of his skills include math with also the coding part of this project.

We have been meeting every Wednesday morning at 6:45 or 7 until 8.