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SAN Architect Position Posted

November 20, 2006

iCIT is recruiting for a new Storage Area Network Architect (Information Systems Technical Services Specialist-Project). This classified project position will be responsible to consolidate campus storage and archiving infrastructures and to define a long-term strategy for growth of our storage and archive facilities.

After analyzing our current storage environment, iCIT staff identified several operational problems that make long-term growth and expansion problematic. iCIT is unable to address these problems with current expertise and at current staffing levels. The new project position will help to meet this need and achieve the following objectives:

  1. Create a vision, strategy, technical architecture and plan for a consolidated storage and backup/archive infrastructure for UWW.

  2. Implement the infrastructure as budget and other constraints allow, and define operational processes and practices for the long-term maintenance and support of the infrastructure.

  3. Assist in the formation of disaster recovery plans and strategies as they pertain to data storage, retention and archive. Implement technical facilities as necessary and define operational processes and practices for long-term maintenance and support.

Position details are available on the UWW Human Resources website.

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