How to make the perfect pizza dough

Hey everyone! Welcome to my first official blog on this website. My goal for this website is to teach you guys how to make the perfect wood fired pizza. Every Friday I will be posting a blog about different topics on what it takes to make the perfect pizza. Today I will be talking about the most important part of making an amazing pizza, the dough. In order to make the dough you will first need, a scale, a large mixing bowl, water, yeast, salt and double zero flour. The flour can be purchased from any big food chain supply place such as restaurant depot or Greco. The first step in making amazing dough is measuring out the water. You will want to take your scale and put the mixing bowl on top of the scale. Click the button called “Tare” so the scale sets back to zero. Once at zero, pour in 3,500 grams of water into the mixing bowl. While the bowl of water is still on the scale add 130 grams of salt. The scale should read 3,630 after you add in the salt. Next take the bowl off of the scale and stir the salt with your hands until dissolved. The next step is adding the yeast. Find a small bowl and set it on the scale then click tare. Once the scale is at zero, add 15 grams of yeast to the bowl. Once measured, dump the yeast into the mixing bowl and stir until the yeast is dissolved. Next put another mixing bowl onto the scale and zero it out. Dump in 5000 grams of flour. Take the bowl and dump the measured flour into your other mixing bowl that contains the water, salt and yeast. Once the flour is in your going to want to mix all ingredients with your hands. Put both hands in and don’t be afraid to get messy. Go in and out with your hands in squeezing motion, make sure to get all of the flour mixed in otherwise there will be chunks in your dough. Once you are done mixing, let the dough sit in the bowl for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, take the dough out onto a floured surface. Next step is to knead the dough. This motion consists of putting one side of the dough onto the other side pushing it into each other. Keep kneading until you get a smooth, giant dough ball. Put the dough into a garbage bag. Put the garbage bag into a bin out in the open and let it sit outside of the fridge for an hour. After an hour refrigerate the dough until you need it! This recipe makes about 35-40 pizzas. There you have it, amazing pizza dough ready to be cooked. Remember, don’t be afraid to get messy with this process! Stay tuned for more tips and tricks on how to make the perfect, scrumptious pizza.