Optimist Club 2015-16, week of August 8, 2016
August 8, 2016 5:20 pm UncategorizedGreetings Optimists,
The Exec Board will be meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, August 9 at 12 Noon. Let me know if you have any agenda items you would like to add.
Our next general member meeting will be next week, Tuesday August 16 at 12 Noon, in UC 261. Our speaker with be Traci Wilson, updating us about W3 (Working for Whitewater’s Wellness).
Current events needing helpers:
NFL “FUND CRAZR” RAFFLE TICKETS!! We are now selling the final 13 of 200 total tickets for this year’s NFL Fund Crazr raffle. Please return any money for sold tickets, ticket stubs, and any unsold tickets to me by August 18! If you can’t sell all the tickets you presently have, I will be able to give them to other club members who have “sold out” their own set(s) of tickets. All sold ticket stubs and unsold tickets must be returned to the SWIS District before August 28. Selling 200 tickets will probably net the club $2,400. If you haven’t bought one for yourself yet, contact me to do so. There are about 10 club members who could simply buy one ticket each and we would be out of tickets.
Warhawk Football Ticket Taking. There are still some time slot needing workers. If you have trouble entering your name, let me know and I’ll help.
Do you have a topic you would like to present to the club? Do you know someone who could speak to the club. Job related? Travel related? Sports related? Youth related? Let me know if you, or someone you know, would like to present. See the dates below where we need speakers.
Dates for upcoming club meetings and events:
- August 16, 12:00pm, speaker will be Tracy Wilson re: What W3 is doing.
- August 21, “Golf Fore! Whitewater Kids” to support various programs through Whitewater Unified School District.
- August 23, 5:00 pm. Speaker TBD.
- September 3, 10, & 24; football ticket taking
- September 6, NO MEETING!
- September 13, Exec Board meeting.
- September 20, 12:00pm, speakers will be Mark Elworthy (New School District Administrator) and Nathan Jaeger (Business Manager) re: the upcoming referendum.
- September 26; Annual Banquet
- October 4, 12:00pm, speaker will be Kevin Bullis, Warhawk Football coach.
- October 8 & 22; football ticket taking
- October 11, Exec Board meeting.
- October 18, 12:00pm, speaker TBD.
- October 25, 5:00 pm. Speaker TBD.
- October or November; Youth Appreciation Week
- November 1, 12:00pm, speaker TBD
- November 5; Football ticket taking
- November 8, Exec Board meeting.
- November 15, 12:00pm, speaker will be Dr. Greg Cook, re: LEAP initiative at UW-W.
- November 22, 5:00 pm. Speaker TBD.
- December; Mitten tree, Toys for Kids
- December 3; Breakfast with Santa
That’s all for tonight.
Share the Optimism,
Dave Halbach
UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club
920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749