Optimist Club 2014-15, week of September 7
September 9, 2015 5:01 pm UncategorizedGreetings Optimist!!
Well, another busy week! You might have heard of a little group of meetings being held on campus, mostly in the University Center, Thursday and Friday called the UW System Board of Regents. Or maybe you heard of the small event Friday afternoon called the Chancellor’s Inauguration?
Heard an interesting presentation at the September 8 meeting from Dr. Katie Heyning and Dr. Robin Fox about Whitewater Leads. The Whitewater Leads web site is presently “under construction” but should be very helpful and insightful once the content is added.
Kim Adams, Lauren Hageman (current Optimist Club intern), and I interviewed two UW-W students late yesterday afternoon for the Fall Optimist Intern position. After reviewing each candidate, strengths and interests, and the needs of the club for the fall, we are pleased to announce that both candidates were offered, and accepted, intern positions for this fall. The interns are Allison Langenkamp and Callie Watry. Both will be working 150 hours for the club this semester. With Youth Appreciation Week, Trivia Night, Breakfast with Santa, and social media updates, we felt there are plenty of tasks for them to complete on behalf of the club. We hope to have all three of the interns at the September 22 meeting to talk about their experiences and expected learning outcomes from the internships.
In other Optimist business:
- Our Facebook page has 95 “Likes” now. Inching closer to 100!
Speakers for upcoming meetings are:
- Tuesday, September 22, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm. Youth of the Month presentation and catered lunch. Summer and Fall 2015 UW-W Interns.
- Tuesday, October 6, 12 Noon-1pm. Any ideas? This will be the first meeting of the new Optimist Year!
- Tuesday, October 20, 12 Noon-1pm. Youth of the Month. Any ideas?
Dates for upcoming club meetings and events include:
- Tuesday, September 15, Executive Board meeting. Noon-1pm.
- Tuesday, September 22, UC 261, 12 Noon-1pm. Catered lunch and Youth of the Month.
- Tuesday, September, 29, evening banquet, date/time/location to be determined.
- Tuesday, October 6, noon meeting.
- Tuesday, October 20, noon meeting.
That’s all for the moment.
Share the Optimism,
Dave Halbach
UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club
920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749