Tag Archives: DB Cooper

D.B. Cooper Hijacking

Background Info

For those of you that do no know, D.B. Cooper hijacked a plane on November 24th 1971. Basically he used cash t buy a plane ticket to Seattle and then once the flight was in the air he handed a flight attendant a note. Basically the note requested that he get four parachutes, and $200,000 in $20 bills. He then made the plane take off again told them to fly to Mexico, and in the middle of the flight he jumped out of the plane with the money and was never found. Nobody knows what happened to him, if he survived the landing, or what his real name is. When the FBI found out the of course looked into it and had a pretty big list of suspects, most of them had to be let go. According to the FBI one man who is a favorite suspect named Richard McCoy, was arrested but later was let go since they had no evidence. Many think Cooper may not have survived at all, one major key thing in this theory was that someone found a case of $20 bills in the woods years later that had the serial numbers of the ones given to Cooper.

My Thoughts

I think this one is similar to the Jack the ripper case, in the sense that it will forever be a mystery. This is one of the more interesting cases in my opinion. Although more recent than other things I have written about, we still know nothing about who this man was.. we don’t see cases like this anymore these days with the advance of technology and crime scene investigation tactics. If I had to guess id honestly say there would be a very little chance he survived jumping out of a plane, especially if he didn’t know anything about parachutes and skydiving.


  • https://stock.adobe.com/search/images?filters%5Bcontent_type%3Aphoto%5D=1&filters%5Bcontent_type%3Aimage%5D=1&k=plane&order=relevance&safe_search=1&search_page=1&search_type=usertyped&acp=&aco=plane&get_facets=0
  • https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/db-cooper-hijacking