Death of Elisa Lam

Photo credits to Natasha Ishaks blog at

Background Info

The Cecil Hôtel in Los Angeles, this is where Elisa Lam was found dead in 2013. Now that may not seem interesting but its how she died that’s interesting. Elisa went missing on January 31st 2013, the surveillance system captured some weird footage of the day she went missing though. Cameras in the elevator showed her visibly scared and nervous (will link a video below) and it also appeared as if she was talking or arguing with some one the cameras could not see. Her body was eventually found in the water tank of the hotel some days later after quests reported funny tasting water. But the unknown part here is what happened to her, and how did she get there. Lams body was completely drained of all fluid and she was cut open. The corner reported that Lams body had a lot of prescription medication in it but no illegal substances or alcohol. The cameras in the hotel did not show anything besides Lam Alone in the elevator and no other footage has been released or has shown anyone besides her on the day she disappeared.

My Thoughts

Personally I think she was murdered. you can find some pretty out there theories but none of them seem physically possible. Seeing as she was cut open and harmed it seems far more likely that she was murdered and put in the water tank by someone who had access to it and knew the hotel well. that does not explain everything though like the elevator scene and no reports or footage of anyone with her. Id love to know what yall think below though!

Elevator Video



Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Background Info

Phot credits to (Wikipedia)

This is one of them I would guess most everyone knows or remember since it happened not that long ago and was a fairly large news story. The date was March 8, 2014 and along with the 239 passengers and crew on the flight the flight vanished with no distress signals, radar detection, or warning. The flight was going from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it vanished from radar and communications. About 38 minutes after takeoff over the south China sea is when ATC last communicated with the aircraft and after that they lost everything. The weird part is several parts of the aircraft washed up in the Indian ocean in 2016. Obviously people began to search for this, government organizations across a couple countries like Australia and China spent a couple years searching for anything but found nothing.  The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) proposed initially that a  hypoxia event was the most likely cause given the available evidence, but there really isn’t much data to support that. Its widely accepted that it was most likely a hijack of some sort but it is unknown why, how, or who would have done this. Experts say given the data that it was most likely lost in the Indian ocean. Like stated before many countries helped aid the search 34 ships and 28 aircraft from seven different countries helped and found nothing.

My Thoughts

Personally I agree with the hijack theory to an extent. I just don’t understand like many of you I am sure how hardly any parts of the plane were found. Yes they did find some parts of the airplane but hardly any of it or even any curtail parts. It seems highly unlikely that you cat find a massive plane like that after years of searching. I would think most airports would be monitored and we would have known if it landed somewhere so that pushes the question of where else it could go. Some popular theories are things like The Malaysian government knowing what happened but not releasing the info, the plane was landed at a defunct military’s airstrip or makeshift airstrip of some kind for “future use”, and lastly the government did it on purpose for whatever reason. The one I like the most is that they hijacked the flight and landed it at some sort of defunct or abandoned airstrip and hid it. It makes the most sense since no big or major parts have ever been found and there’s probably a lot of places they could have landed it due to old bases from the war or heavy tree cover especially if they (whoever did this) planned this out. The two problems with this way or theory is 1, what are they using the plane for, and two nobody even 100% knows it was a hijacking for sure, its just the one that makes the most sense given they never found the bodies, people or aircraft. Id love to know what you guys think in the comments!



Roanoke Colony

Photo credits

Background Info

I feel like everyone has heard of this colony at one point or another in some class, online forum, or other talk. Its pretty interesting though, lets say you have a city and one day everyone’s gone without a trace. Well that’s exactly what happened to the Roanoke Colony. The colony was settled by the English explorer Walter Raleigh in 1585, they had a fair amount of struggles with food supplies and attacks from Native Americans. After a while in 1587 they sent out a ship to get more supplies from England but the war made them take longer than expected so they returned in 1590 but nobody was around, they all vanished. There is no signs or anything to lead us to where they all went even after many people investigated the site. What makes this case weird is that when he returned the colony was fortified with the word Croatoan carved into the wood.

My thoughts

This is honestly so cool to me, well as cool as missing people can be. Its just crazy how a whole settlement of people just vanish. What any normal person would think is that oh they all just died, since medicine wasn’t really a thing back then, but then you’d think you would find graves or some sign of a struggle but no there wasn’t any. No remains or anything. If I had to make a guess its that they just moved, but that wouldn’t explain the carving or why they built up a fort around the colony. None of the details add up and all these years later we still have no clue what happened. One popular theory is that they all joined an Indian tribe called the Croatans but there really is no solid evidence for that.



Sodder children disappearance

Background Info

Maurice, 14; Martha 12; Louis, 9; Jennie, 8; Betty, 5 these were the names of the 5 Sodder children who disappeared in Fayetteville on Christmas Eve in 1945. On that night The two parents George and Jennie and 9 kids went to sleep, but in the middle of the night the family home caught fire. 5 of the children never made it out, the weird part is no body’s were ever found. Its pretty much unanimously agreed that no fire like that would ever cremate a body completely. There was an extensive search, billboards, and other attempts to find leads, or any information on what happened to the 5 children. As of now we have no leads, theory’s or any possible ideas to what actually happened that night.

Photo source Doug MacGowan

My Thoughts

This on puzzles me, it seems like there is no scientific or reasonable explanation for what happen on that night. If I had to guess I would say that they just got lost somehow running away from the fire, although there are flaws with that theory as well. After all these years we still have no idea and probably never will have any idea what happened. This is one of my favorite cases just because nobody at all has any sort of idea what happened to these kids.

