Dyatlov Pass incident

Background Info

Back in 1959 7 men and 2 women went on a ski trip in the North Ural mountains of the Soviet Union. After a while nobody has seen he group and they began to worry since a large snowstorm went through that area during the time they were supposed to be there. It was found that they pitched a tent on one of the slopes the night they all died. After a while of not hearing from the group a search party was organized and they found the bodies of the group naked and frozen to death. The weird part about this case is that the tent was sliced open with a knife from the inside, all of the party’s belongings were still inside the tent except for the skis. Another weird thing worth mentioning is that some but not all of them had signs of internal trauma, and there were traces of radiation on the clothes some of them had on. Nobody knows what happened, why it happened, or even how any of this happened but some people came up with some crazy theorizes. Some of the crazy theories I have come across where yetis and aliens, while some more realistic ones could be an avalanche.

photo credits to Wikipedia

My Thoughts

Personally I am going to take the more reasonable approach to what I think happened. The avalanche theory makes the most sense to me however that does not explain the half of it. We analyze this case and there are just way to many outliers and weird occurrences to even come close to finding out what happened. If the military and authorities cant figure out what happened all these years later I do not think anyone ever will.


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyatlov_Pass_incident
  • https://www.snopes.com/news/2017/12/28/dyatlov-pass-incident/
  • https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/04/europe/dyatlov-pass-incident-scli-intl/index.html

The disappearance of the USS Cyclops.

Photo obtained from https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.history.com%2Fnews%2Fbermuda-triangle-uss-cyclops-mystery-world-war-i&psig=AOvVaw22go4Oc74R11p4t2T1cuzy&ust=1603579786923000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=2ahUKEwjr1-it5svsAhXRUawKHaczCe0Qr4kDegQIARB-

Background Info

The USS Cyclops was a Unite states navy ship that went missing in 1918. The ship was headed to Baltimore and had to pass through the Bermuda triangle where it vanished with its over 300 crewmates without a trace. The funny thing is there were no distress calls or anything, no warnings, no other ships reporting anything wrong . Its been over 100 years and we still have no information at all on this. There so many theories to what could have happened, like mechanical failure, to much cargo and so on. To this day no wreck, bodies, cargo, or anything from the ship has been found.

My thoughts

Personally I think this is really an odd case. The fact that the Navy has no idea what happened to a boat they own is kind of concerning. You would think the Navy would know what went on considering they keep really good tabs on the boats they own. Something does not seem right here in my opinion if it sank some part of the ship would have been discovered somehow provided they had no communications whatsoever. This kind of reminds me of the plane that went missing a couple years back its just one of those weird things that happen that just make you question life or the world we live in. I honestly have no idea what did or could have happened to leave no trace of this ship anywhere.


  • https://www.buzzfeed.com/hanifahrahman/strange-unsolved-myseries
  • https://www.history.com/news/bermuda-triangle-uss-cyclops-mystery-world-war-i

The Black Dahlia

Background Info

http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1867198_1867170_1867291,00.html (Photo creds Time Magazine online)

Some people say this could be Hollywood’s most famous murder cases. Basically what had happened was Elizabeth Short was found dead in Los Angeles on January 15 1947 with her body cut in half. The Press and the media worked together tirelessly to locate and solve any clues left behind. The weird part about this case is that several people claimed to have done the crime but they were all let go since nothing proved they did it. To this day Her murder is still a cold case with no leads or suspects whatsoever.

My Thoughts

Out of all the cases I have researched for my blog this is the first one I had never heard of before. When researching this It was sort of hard to find information on. Honestly its another one of those cases that will never be solved and it seems to me like it gets no attention whatsoever anymore unlike the People in the topics of my old blogs. For example people to this day still talk about DB Cooper, Jack The ripper, and so on. although highly unlikely since those are more popular they are more likely to have new information found out about them. Id love to hear other opinions on this one since its alot shorter of a case!


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Dahlia
  • https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/the-black-dahlia
  • http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1867198_1867170_1867291,00.html

D.B. Cooper Hijacking

Background Info

For those of you that do no know, D.B. Cooper hijacked a plane on November 24th 1971. Basically he used cash t buy a plane ticket to Seattle and then once the flight was in the air he handed a flight attendant a note. Basically the note requested that he get four parachutes, and $200,000 in $20 bills. He then made the plane take off again told them to fly to Mexico, and in the middle of the flight he jumped out of the plane with the money and was never found. Nobody knows what happened to him, if he survived the landing, or what his real name is. When the FBI found out the of course looked into it and had a pretty big list of suspects, most of them had to be let go. According to the FBI one man who is a favorite suspect named Richard McCoy, was arrested but later was let go since they had no evidence. Many think Cooper may not have survived at all, one major key thing in this theory was that someone found a case of $20 bills in the woods years later that had the serial numbers of the ones given to Cooper.

My Thoughts

I think this one is similar to the Jack the ripper case, in the sense that it will forever be a mystery. This is one of the more interesting cases in my opinion. Although more recent than other things I have written about, we still know nothing about who this man was.. we don’t see cases like this anymore these days with the advance of technology and crime scene investigation tactics. If I had to guess id honestly say there would be a very little chance he survived jumping out of a plane, especially if he didn’t know anything about parachutes and skydiving.


  • https://stock.adobe.com/search/images?filters%5Bcontent_type%3Aphoto%5D=1&filters%5Bcontent_type%3Aimage%5D=1&k=plane&order=relevance&safe_search=1&search_page=1&search_type=usertyped&acp=&aco=plane&get_facets=0
  • https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/db-cooper-hijacking

Zodiac Killer

Background Info


Lets start with some background info, for those of you don’t know the Zodiac Killer was a murderer in California between 1960-1970 roughly. The Zodiac killer terrorized the Californian police by sending them complex letters, ciphers, and symbols. To this day nobody even knows who was behind all the killings. One example of this is in 1969the San Francisco herald received a letter handwritten claiming to be from the killer. The letter was claimed to have said  “Dear Editor: I am the killer of the 2 teenagers last Christmas at Lake Herman,”. There are plenty more accounts of random events like this happening in the area. This is one of the most famous cold cases in the united states and it will probably stay that way. It was estimated that the person in question killed anywhere up to 37 people. Not even a suspect has ever been named or anything whoever the killer is may still be out there, one thing is for sure though the sure had some interesting puzzles.

My Thoughts

Honestly I don’t know where I stand on this one. In my personal opinion i think this case will never be and was never meant to be solved. People will always try since we do have photographs of the puzzles and letters the killer wrote but they are very complex and even the smartest people alive have yet to crack the code. Personally I would love to see this case solved or somebody even gain a lead but its just not reasonable to think like that anymore.


  • https://www.biography.com/crime-figure/zodiac-killer