Door decorations aid in community development by helping students learn each other’s names, shows students you, as the Resident Assistant, care about them as individuals, and gives them ownership and pride as a floor community member. Ask your CD/ACD where door decorations should be placed (on the door or the door frame)!


Why should I make door decorations?

             Because door decorations . . .


Help students identify with their floor community

Encourages students to learn their neighbor’s name

Shows students the Resident Assistant cares about them as individuals



Possible Door Decorations:

1.   Balloons

2.   Cookie cutter shapes

3.   Wanted posters

4.   Post cards

5.   Envelopes

6.   License plates (name and state)

7.   Shapes

8.   Willy & Wilma Warhawk

9.   Party hats

10. School stationary

11. Ice cream cones

12. Musical instruments

13. Stars

14. Sports equipment

15. Movie tickets

16. Flags

17. Mittens

18. Shoes with laces of roommates tied

19. Autumn leaves

20. Jokes

21. Fruit shapes

22. Sail boats

23. Foil covered Hershey Kisses

24. Cartoon characters

25. Unicorns

26. Rubber nose and glasses

27. Decorative paper plates

28. Crayons

29. Sunglasses

30. Keys

31. Flowers

32. Feathers

33. Treat bags

34. Pinwheels

35. Mailboxes

36. Styrofoam balls (snowmen, baseball)