LASSI stands for the Learning and Study Strategy Inventory.  The research breaks down what exactly the student is struggling with so that we might be able to create strategies to work with the students.  It is easy to administer as there is a web-based version as well as a hard copy version.  If you would like to have a student or group of students take the LASSI, please contact the Assistant Director of Staff & Academic Development at for more direction.  After you have determined the areas of concern, you can look at the links below to come up potential strategies to combat the problem.

ANX- Anxiety – a person with this issue will likely have anxiety and worry consistently about their performance at school.

ATT- Attitude- this person likely is not interested in the school work, but is in college for the degree not the experience.

CON- Concentration- a person struggling with concentration often has trouble paying attention to their academic tasks and has a short attention span.

INP- Information Processing– this person is struggling to make meaning out of their coursework or potentially is not as strong with reasoning skills.

MOT- Motivation– a person struggling with motivation is having difficulties with self-discipline and lack a willingness to work hard.

SMI-Selecting Main Ideas– this person simply doesn’t always recognize the important themes in the reading material and may need help selecting the main ideas from the texts.

SFT-Self Testing– this person doesn’t really study for tests well and haven’t developed strong self-testing skills, may nor review information, and appears unprepared for class.

STA- Support Techiques– does this person create flashcards or use Academic Support Services?  Probably not.

TST- Test Strategies– this student may not always study all the materials available to them and are not always preparing appropriately.

TMA- Time Management- these students may not always use their time very effectively and have difficulty with scheduling/ prioritizing.


The LASSI was developed by the University of Texas at Austin by Claire Ellen Weinstein, Ph.D., Ann C. Schulte, Ph.D., and David R. Palmer, Ph.D. More information about the LASSI and exerts of this page were taken from .