It is approaching the end of the semester and with that comes the reflection of how your semester or year has gone. Questions such as –did I accomplish everything I wanted to or how can I improve going forwards tend to find the front of your mind.  That is behind the list of other things that are weighing on it as well: when is it going to stop snowing, I have 3 papers and 2 projects due and am running out of time to do it, interact, bulletin boards, last minute programs. When you take all of the other things in your life reflection may be one of the last things on your list of things you should do with your day.  There are several reasons why reflection is good now though, it is fresh, the semester is not over and you can more easily pull others into your reflection.

Even though the semester started several months ago, it is more fresh now than it will be in September when you start your next semester.  By taking advantage of this you will be able to more easily reflect on the happenings, successes, mishaps, and other quirks of the semester in more vivid detail. Which will lead to a better and more beneficial evaluation of your semester.

What a shock, the semester isn’t over yet.  Meaning you can apply this reflection in the short term as well.  When you look back to the semester and realize that you could have, would have, or should have done something you can take those lessons and apply them to your last month of the semester and finish strong.

If you utilize this time to reflect as a student and as a person you are more easily able to ask those around you for input on what you are doing well or how to improve. This can help immensely in regards to your RA job, executive board positions, work, or as a student.  Another way you can pull others into this dialogue is to ask them to reflect on their semester or year.

The point is to get the conversation going whether it is a personal conversation or a conversation with others, but reflection provides an outlet to progress through self realization and by challenging others to do so as well can help others to do this as well.  Reflection has many faces and objective ranging from academics to personal life.


  • What I am most proud of this year?
  • How can I become a better_____?
  • Where am I feeling stuck?
  • What am I passionate about? Why?
  • What lessons have I learned?
  • How well did I take care of myself? Others?
  • How have I allowed fear of failure hold me back?

Share the questions you contemplate in your reflection with us! #UWWRAReflection