Jun 23rd, 2016
Member, Program committee for User Modeling Personalization and Adaptation conference 2010
Member, Program committee for International FLAIRS conference 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Member, Program committee for the 1st IEEE Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing for Computational Social Systems, 2016
Member, Program committee for IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics 2007
Member, Program committee for IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics 2006
Member, Member Abstract/Posters Reviewers, the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06).
Administrative Assistant, AAAI 2002 Fall Symposium on Intent Inference for Users, Teams and Adversaries
Reviewed two book chapters in “Computational Collective Intelligence and Hybrid Systems: Concepts and Applications” edited by Janusz Sobecki
Reviewed two book chapters in “Collaborative and Social Information Retrieval and Access: Techniques for Improved User Modeling” edited by Max Chevalier, Christine Julien and Chantal Soulé-Dupuy. 2008
User Modeling User-Adapted Interactions. Member of the Special Reviewer Board of the User Modeling User-Adapted Interactions (http://www.umuai.org/special_reviewer.html). 2005-2007.
Journal of IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Part B. 2004, 2005, 2006.
Information Processing and Management, 2004.
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2004
Reviewer for 2009 International FLAIRS Conference
Reviewer for 2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics conference 2008
Reviewer for User Modeling 2007 conference.
Reviewer for Web-media conference 2007.
Reviewers for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 98), Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS98), National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 99, AAAI 05, Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2003).
Thesis/research committee
Served in the Ph.D dissertation committee for Tracy Gu, Dartmouth College, 2014.
Served in the Master thesis committee for Michael Hinder at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, 2013.
Served in the Ph.D dissertation committee for Fei Yu and Deqing Li, Dartmouth College, 2013.
Served in the Master thesis committee for Ryan Hardt at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. 2007
Invited Talk, “Hybrid User Model for Information Retrieval: Framework and Evaluation”.University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Wisconsin. September 2006.
Invited Talk, “Hybrid User Model for Information Retrieval: Framework and Evaluation”. Dartmouth College, New Hamsphire. July 2006.
Invited Talk, “Hybrid User Model for Information Retrieval”, Third Annual Workshop on Cognitive Systems, Santa Fee, New Mexico, July 2005.
Invited Talk, “Modeling a User in Information Retrieval”, Connecticut ACM SIGCHI Chapter Meeting (CONCHI), Connecticut. November 2003.
UW System
UW-Extension Status of Women Committee – Work & Life balance action team, 2009.
Wis-CUR: Wisconsin Council for Undergraduate Research.
Individualized major committee, 2008-2009
International education committee: 2007, 2008
Scholarship committee: 2007
Standard committee: 2014-present
UWW Undergraduate Council Associate: 2013-present
Department standard committee: 2014-present (Chair)
Department assessment committee, 2007-present.
Organizing committee for advisory board meetings (2014-present, chair),
Organizing committee for internship and undergraduate research workshop (2013-present, co-chair)
Curriculum committee, 2007-2008, 2014-present
Colloquium committee: 2007-2009 (Co-chair 2008)
Scholarship committee: 2008-present (Chair)
Computer Science search committee (Chair): 2012, 2013.
Computer Science search committee: Fall 2007-Spring 2008.
Computer Science Search Committee: Fall 2005-Spring 2006.
International Women’s Fair. Spring 2006
Teaching Web Design for Cybergirlz camp, July 2009, 2010, 2011.
McFarland PTO – Co-chair Cash for Trash. 2009 – 2011.
Contribute to Technology plan for Whitewater Unified School District, 2007.
High school Day organizing committee
Southern Wisconsin Figure Skating club, Public Skating Coordinator: 2013-present. Vice president: 2016-2017.
UWW Assessment workshop, Summer 2016.
UW STEM workshop, Fall 2009.
UWW Faculty Technology Workshop, Summer 2009.
Scholar-Mentor Program. Summer 2006.
Peer-mentor program. Fall 2006.
UWW Learn Center First Year Program. Fall 2005 – Spring 2006