Comparison of Three Videos

“Transmedia” talks about how storytelling has evolved over the years. In it, Henry Jenkins has talked about how stories are able to be told over different forms of media. He brings up “The Matrix” as an example of this, which has films, shows, comics, and video games. He talks about how each platform is able to contribute what it does best to an overall story.

The interview with Henry Jenkins starts off with him talking about his thoughts on the concept of media convergence. One interesting thing that he brought up in this interview is that he believes that everyone can potentially be a producer of media along with being a consumer of media. He further elaborates on this by talking about how sharing stuff that we create with others is very rewarding.

The video I picked, called “Engage Learners with Transmedia Storytelling”, talked about the value of transmedia storytelling and uses Star Wars as an example. This is similar to the first video, in that both franchises discussed have been able to benefit greatly from different forms of media. The speaker talked about how her daughter was able to share original content with many other people, which is similar to the second video which talked about how anyone can potentially be a producer of media in this day and age.






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