SATURATION 3 is the third and final of the SATURATION albums. This is my favorite of the three albums because of how unique this is to the others. My favorite track off of SATURATION 3 is SISTER/NATION. This is sadly the end of the saturation series and will forever hold a spot in my heart as one of the best albums of 2017. Brockhampton released 3 studio albums in under 8 months. With the Brockhampton boys living in the same house they are able to grind late night studio sessions and pump out content to their fans. This is why I really enjoy Brockhampton because of how different their style of music is between songs and albums as well as how often they release music for the world to enjoy. This however is not it for Brockhampton, the boy band announced their new album formerly named team effort now Puppy will be released at a later date in 2018 and I am looking forward to what the boys have in store for us next.