
Study Abroad Scholarships in Turkey That You Didn’t Know Existed

Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience, offering you the chance to immerse yourself in a new culture, make lifelong friends, and expand your academic horizons. Turkey, renowned for its deep historical roots and lively culture, has emerged as a favored choice for international students. If you’re considering studying in Turkey, you’ll be pleased to know there are numerous scholarships available to help ease the financial burden. In this article, we’ll introduce you to six lesser-known study-abroad scholarships in Turkey that you might not have heard of before.

Every bit of financial aid is crucial when you’re managing expenses during your studies abroad. Whether it’s covering tuition fees, accommodation, or other expenses, scholarships can significantly lighten your load. If you’re also juggling assignments and homework, you might find it beneficial to use essayservice that can write an essay for you. This can be especially useful during those hectic periods of college life.

1. Türkiye Scholarships (YTB)

Comprehensive Support for International Students

The Türkiye Scholarships program, also known as YTB, is a government-funded initiative that offers extensive support to international students at all levels of education. This scholarship provides comprehensive coverage, including tuition, a monthly stipend, accommodation, health insurance, and one round-trip airfare, with the goal of promoting cultural exchange and mutual understanding between Turkey and the global community.

For undergraduate students, the scholarship also includes a one-year Turkish language course to help them integrate more easily into the local community. If you’re pursuing graduate or doctoral studies, this program provides ample opportunities for research and academic development.

Who Can Apply?

Students from around the globe are eligible to apply for the Türkiye Scholarships, provided they have strong academic credentials and a keen interest in pursuing their studies in Turkey. This scholarship is particularly beneficial for students who are enthusiastic about learning and engaging with diverse cultural perspectives.

2. İbni Haldun Social Sciences Scholarship

Special Focus on Social Sciences

The İbni Haldun Social Sciences Scholarship is specifically designed for students who are passionate about the social sciences. Named after the renowned scholar Ibn Khaldun, this scholarship aims to support students who wish to contribute to the field of social sciences through their research and academic work.

The scholarship includes full tuition, a monthly stipend, and health coverage. Additionally, recipients have access to a range of academic resources and networking opportunities within Turkey’s vibrant social sciences community.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for this scholarship requires international applicants to pursue a master’s or doctoral degree in social sciences, have a robust academic background, and have a well-defined research proposal.  This scholarship is ideal for students who are dedicated to advancing their knowledge and contributing to the global academic community.

3. Ali Kuşçu Science and Technology Scholarship

Empowering Future Scientists and Technologists

Named after the prominent Turkish scientist Ali Kuşçu, this scholarship supports international students pursuing studies in science and technology. The Ali Kuşçu Science and Technology Scholarship aims to foster innovation and research in these critical fields by providing financial support to talented students.

The scholarship not only covers tuition, a monthly allowance, housing, health insurance, and travel costs but also provides opportunities for engaging in advanced research and collaboration with top academics and industry professionals.

Application Requirements

To qualify, international students must exhibit a strong academic performance and a pronounced interest in science and technology. This scholarship is particularly suited for students who are eager to contribute to technological advancements and scientific discoveries.

4. Yunus Emre Turkish Language Scholarship

Promoting the Turkish Language and Culture

The Yunus Emre Turkish Language Scholarship is aimed at students who wish to immerse themselves in the Turkish language and culture. Inspired by the renowned Turkish poet Yunus Emre, this scholarship promotes the study of the Turkish language and cultural exchange.

Recipients of this scholarship receive full coverage of tuition fees for Turkish language courses, a monthly stipend, accommodation, and health insurance. The program also includes cultural activities and excursions to help students gain a deeper understanding of Turkey’s rich heritage.

Who Can Apply?

International students keen on exploring the Turkish language and culture are invited to apply for this scholarship, which offers a fantastic chance to improve their language skills and immerse themselves in Turkish traditions and customs.

5. Turkiye Burslari Research Scholarship Program

Supporting Academic Research in Turkey

The Turkiye Burslari Research Scholarship Program is tailored for international students engaged in research within Turkey. This scholarship provides financial support for short-term research projects and aims to promote academic collaboration between Turkish and international researchers.

The program covers research-related expenses, including travel and accommodation, and offers access to academic resources and facilities in Turkey. It is an excellent opportunity for students who wish to gain practical research experience and build professional networks.

Eligibility Criteria

Available to international researchers at all levels, from undergraduate to postdoctoral, this scholarship requires a detailed research proposal and proof of the potential impact of the research. It is perfect for students eager to push the boundaries of their academic fields through innovative research.

6. Turkish Government Joint Scholarship Program

Collaborative Efforts for Educational Excellence

The Turkish Government Joint Scholarship Program is a collaborative initiative between the Turkish government and various international organizations. This program aims to support students from specific regions or countries, fostering educational exchange and cooperation.

The scholarship provides for tuition, a monthly stipend, accommodation, health insurance, and travel costs. It also offers additional support for academic and cultural integration, ensuring that students have a fulfilling and enriching experience in Turkey.

Application Process

To apply, you must be an international student from a region or country specified in the program’s criteria. A robust academic record and proven dedication to your field of study are crucial for this scholarship. This scholarship is perfect for students who seek to benefit from international cooperation and build lasting academic and professional relationships.


Studying in Turkey offers a unique mix of top-tier academics, rich cultural experiences, and personal development. With these six lesser-known scholarships, you have the opportunity to pursue your educational goals without the heavy financial burden. From comprehensive support programs like Türkiye Scholarships to specialized opportunities such as the İbni Haldun Social Sciences Scholarship, there is something for everyone.

Don’t let financial obstacles deter you from the benefits of studying abroad. Apply for these scholarships and embark on an enriching academic journey.

Author Profile

Content Writer Nicole Hardy is celebrated for her detailed and thoughtful journalism within the realms of education and the arts, with a special emphasis on performing arts education. Over the course of her decade-long career, Hardy has earned a reputation as a trusted expert in her field. Her writing is marked by thorough analysis and a captivating style of storytelling. She earned her Master’s degree in Journalism from the University of Arts, with a focus on arts and culture journalism.