Color Inspiration

Do you ever feel like you’re out of ideas? You’ve looked and searched and scoured the internet for more design ideas and you feel like you’ve seen it all, you’ve hit a wall. Well, I think it’s safe to say everyone has. My best advice for...

Lighten up the Holidays

Christmas!! Arguably, everyone’s favorite time of year. This is prime time to spend time with your roommates and decorate! Holiday decorating is supposed to be fun and is about bonding and making the space feel festive for the heart warming season. Try to...

Wall Decor

So… I’ve already made my view on tapestries pretty clear. I love them. But, they aren’t the only wall decor that someone can have! I personally do not have any tapestries in my room, because with two larger windows in taking up a lot of space, I just...

Cozy but Functional Atheistic

If you’re anything like me, you want the best of both worlds. By this I mean that you want to be both cozy in your own personal space, but also you want to be able to do work and feel that you are able to focus and conduct business. Both of these elements are...

Yard Sales

As I mentioned in my “Good Places to Shop” post earlier, yard sales can be your best friend. I feel pretty strongly about this, so I thought I should make an entire separate post about it. As college students, yard sales are everywhere, you just have to...