
As an educator and researcher my main goal is to get students in my classroom and laboratory the necessary high impact practice skillsets that transition to the workforce as well as graduate school. I take pride in the achievements of all of my students. Below is a list of some of my current and most recent students from my lab and where they are at.

Allison Depka: currently working in the lab on soft coral physiological responses to increased temeprature

Naomi Mullen, graduated with an Environmental Science degree (2024) and is currently employed as an Environmental Consultant.

Angel Navarette (Biology, 2024) and Zack Wager (Environmental Science 2024): Angel is attending medical school and Zack is employed in GIS at WE Energies.

Calvin Williams: A Marine Biology major that is currently in Australia finishing his degree.

Jessica Darling (Biology 2021) and Kiley Lofy (Environmental Science 2021). Jessica is working as a lab assistant at Northwestern and Kiley is lead brewer at Hillsboro Brewing company.

Skyler Wilson (Biology 2021): Skyler graduated with her MS in Environmental Science and is currently employed at the US EPA.

Jay Taylor (left – Marine Biology 2023), Melissa Ozburn (center – Marine Biology 2023), Celeste Taylor (right – Biology 2023). Jay is a researcher at Vanderbilt University, Melissa works as a biologist in Australia, and Celeste works for the Wisconsin DNR.

Kirsten Schwenk (Marine Biology 2023) is currently working in Australia as an environmental consultant.