May 2024

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” Knowledge is Power “

Warhawk Student Tech Productivity Hacks

There are many technology resources available at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. When utilized you will be able to be a more productive student, stay ahead of the curve and overall make your life easier.

Get your student email synced with your mobile phone:

Being in the loop with university announcements, class cancelations from professors, student organizations news by setting up your smart phone/device to get the emails sent directly to you.

Make sure to check your email regularly, especially before heading out to class, since classes do get cancelled time to time and the main mode of informing you the student is through your university email!


Get Email and SMS (Text Messages) Notifications Available in D2L:

Be informed of new assignments, upcoming due dates and posted grades via your phone or email address.


Store backup copies of your files into the cloud or offline portable storage:

Picture this: You need to submit an assignment and bam! Your file is corrupted, lost, got deleted or even worse it is unavailable to be accessed because of a hardware failure of your computer.

Backing up in the cloud (online storage) will make sure that you can access your document anywhere there is an internet connection. Also, since it is in the cloud, you don’t have to worry about losing the file due to a hardware issue.

UWW Recommends: [ It’s free with a Google Account! ]

If you want a physical copy you can store files on a flash drive / pen drive or portable hard drive. If your computer crashes, just plug one of these often inexpensive solutions into a different computer to access your documents.

Remember to save your work often!


Using your Net-ID login into the UWW Network to access university internal resources including file storage, databases and websites.


Need to access technology such as laptops, macs, video production, audio production and video games consoles? As a student it is free.