July 2024

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” Knowledge is Power “

Occult Practices: The Secrete

© GARRICK KAUTZ – JR http://fb.com/GeekyGambit

This publication is to attract prosperity into your live. It is a guide for you to transform your perspectives to that of awakened soul and open minded individual. Welcome, as I anoint yourself into the arts of the occult. Let the Law of Attraction captivate your imagination and let miracles flow into your life! Reform your mind into a powerhouse of attracting positive energies. As you set sail on this journey of transformation I wish you blessings as you begin. Through better understanding of the principles of attraction, transformation and manipulation you can form a mastermind of yourself and become a beckoning soul of inspiration and success.

Anything you can phantom is achievable. It is “Mind over matter” Your intention and drive effects the reality around you. It is what the mind can conceive over the sublime forces of reality. Complex mystic energies can be rendered through mental ritual work. This is later day terms is the science of hypnosis. Your mental patterns send intention in the universe is what attracted. You reap what you sow. Your minds focal point is a transmitter into the universe. What your mind forecloses on is what is on a vibration field attracts and represents. Those focused on love find or mend relationships will develop bonds over those they wish do so upon through impressions of the spirit-drive soul. Those who dream and vision them self rich and work economics can obtain riches to those be-holed imagination. The universe delivers to which is called upon.

Repeating mantras or short phases can reform the mind and reinforce its patterns into that of a high caliper individual. With driven intention you will begin to attract what your mind desires from the universe.

Some of mine are:

Refine what you want your life’s dream is. Create a vitalization board where you take pictures of the wealth you want and use your minds eye to create the impressions and effects on your subconsciousness mind to achieve your dreams. Review your bored frequently to keep your mind driven for the deviation of wealth. Your imagination can mold reality around you. Your mind is key to success.

In closing I hope you have a better understating of how the minds conscious effects the universe manifestation around you. The law of attraction is like a smile… it is contagiousness! The occult secrete of Law of Attraction is now your.

Take care and gods blessings be blessed upon you,

– Garrick Kautz Jr.