Update #1 (9/30/2019)
September 30, 2019 8:20 pm UpdatesPREFACE: Due to the rigor of other classes and my weekends being consumed as a result of my job, this week’s blog posts will be scheduled for Tuesday (8/1) and Thursday (8/3). I apologize for the short notice and the inconvenience, but I plan to resume the normal uploading schedule by the following week.
This blog is designed to examine and comment on the many different aspects, routes, and methods behind video games and game design. In order to address the attestation–the facts, and the evidence–I’ve divided my commentary into four main categories: Graphics and Technology, Marketing and Social Optimization, Public Opinion and Game Reviews, and Stories/Plots/Characters. Each week, both scheduled blog posts will pertain in some way, shape, or form, to one of the four categories; in sequential order starting from Graphics and Technology. The first post of that week will refer to the history of the selected category, while the second post of that week will examine a specific game in that time period with regard to that week’s category. So for example, tomorrow I plan to comment on the origins of video games and visual related media, as well as what exactly today’s society constitutes as a “game”. Then on Thursday, I plan to examine what could very well be regarded as the very first video game, Tennis for Two.
Other than some minor visual and aesthetic changes to the blog-site, that just about wraps up every major update for this week. I hope you all have a great rest of your day, and I look forward to sharing more with you tomorrow!