• IRL News

    The Community

    ESO is a MMO, and as such, has a massive community of players. There are many sub communities in ESO, and those communities are known as guilds. Most other MMO’s have some form of clan or guild systems, ESO follows that trend but make it a little more personalized. ESO recently posted a community spotlight article talking to some well known guilds that hold a strong position for helping new players in the ESO community. “Casual Ranger of the Ranger’s Guild” and “MissBizz of the Lone Wolf Help Guild” help new players get up to speed in ESO. They where asked several questions about their guilds and the impact it…

  • IRL News

    Elsweyr Open IRL Testing!

    Today we have two bits of information, one small bit of info, and one big bit of info. First up we have awesome hand made gear of the Dragonbone armor style. The level of detail on this handmade armor set is amazing. It looks straight out of the Elder Scrolls games themselves. The set was made by “Lightning Cosplay.”  Lightning Cosplay have made numerous ESO cosplay in the past. They’ve also made several other breathe taking cosplay from other triple A game titles, such as Darksiders, The Witcher, Diablo, World Of Warcraft, etc. They also have a YouTube channel you can check out linked on their site. This cosplay set will be…

  • IRL News

    Some Little News

    Since its the beginning of the week, not much new info has been announced since the last post. I’ll go over what has been announced this past weekend, and throw in some other info that might catch your interest. First off “ESO Live” will be streaming March 15th, this friday, at 6PM EDT. Senior Systems Designer Michael Edwards and Lead UI Designer Bobby Weir will be on the stream to talk more in depth about the recent quality of life changes introduced in Update 21. And our new Lore Master has finally been announced. Lore Master Leamon Tuttle will make his first appearance and explain his qualifications and background. He’ll also tell us…

  • IRL News

    Master of Lore is no more.

    On February 6th, 2019 ZeniMax’s ESO Lore Master, Lawrence Schick, has stepped down from his position. The Lore Master is the title given to the lead lore writer and manipulator of the elder scrolls online series. Schick stepped down from the position due to “family reasons.” He never specified the exact reasons, be it positive or negative. The ESO team asked him to write about his time at ESO and his time working on the lore in a farewell letter. Instead he decided to discuss how the players add to and affected the lore of ESO. Here’s a small excerpt from his farewell letter. “Tamriel is a world where all…