• Crown Store Info,  Events

    Goodies Galore! Happy Anniversary ESO!

    Three major things have happened since the last post, April Fools, new crates, and a new event coming! First off, on the day I last posted, we got a good Aprils Fools post from the ESO team on the main site. They advertised wearable outfits for your cat IRL, only for 100 gold! Sadly “1oo gold” translates to $100,000 USD. So they got a lot of people good with that post. If I was a huge cat person I would love this legitimately. But cats don’t usually like things hanging off of them, so attempt to recreate these at your own risk. https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/55993 Next up we have new Crown Crate goodies.…

  • Crown Store Info,  Events,  Expansion Info


    ESO, like many other MMO’s, has limited time events which players can take advantage of already existing content. During these events certain expansions and items go on sale for extremely cheap prices. Most of these event run times are based off of real world holiday seasons or anniversaries of previously added expansions. As stated in my last post, the upcoming event is known as the “Jester’s Festival,” which is ESO’s equivalent to April Fools. The currently running event is the “Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood Celebration.” “The Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event starts Thursday, March 7, at 10:00AM EST and runs until Monday, March 18, at 10:00AM EDT.” During this event players…