• Crown Store Info,  Expansion Info

    Small Info

    Now that its the month of April we have a new monthly showcase of  cool in game fashion that you can purchase for your account. The three faction hero costumes are returning to the crown store from April 4th to the 11th. So you got 2 days left to check those out. After them,  the next costume to come back is the Auroran Knight costume. Its available from April 11th to April 18th. Alliance rider outfits comeback from April 18th to April 25th. Alliance rider hoods will be available during the same time window as the Alliance rider outfits. Next up is weapons styles. We have a new shield skin,…

  • Crown Store Info,  Events

    Goodies Galore! Happy Anniversary ESO!

    Three major things have happened since the last post, April Fools, new crates, and a new event coming! First off, on the day I last posted, we got a good Aprils Fools post from the ESO team on the main site. They advertised wearable outfits for your cat IRL, only for 100 gold! Sadly “1oo gold” translates to $100,000 USD. So they got a lot of people good with that post. If I was a huge cat person I would love this legitimately. But cats don’t usually like things hanging off of them, so attempt to recreate these at your own risk. https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/55993 Next up we have new Crown Crate goodies.…

  • Crown Store Info

    Crown Store Showcase, March 2019

    Why do people play MMO’s? Beginner players will tell you its to hang out with friends online. Average players will tell you its to play an expansive game with a long interesting plot and cool mechanics. A veteran player would agree with those things as important, but not the most important. Veterans would say the most important thing in MMO’s is….. Fashion! Sure you can grind with friends and level up with butt ugly and mismatching gear, but wheres the fun in that? With fashion you can do said leveling with friends and look good while you die to that horde of spiders you’ve been farming. ESO takes fashion to…