• Crown Store Info,  Events,  Expansion Info


    ESO, like many other MMO’s, has limited time events which players can take advantage of already existing content. During these events certain expansions and items go on sale for extremely cheap prices. Most of these event run times are based off of real world holiday seasons or anniversaries of previously added expansions. As stated in my last post, the upcoming event is known as the “Jester’s Festival,” which is ESO’s equivalent to April Fools. The currently running event is the “Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood Celebration.” “The Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event starts Thursday, March 7, at 10:00AM EST and runs until Monday, March 18, at 10:00AM EDT.” During this event players…

  • Crown Store Info

    Crown Store Showcase, March 2019

    Why do people play MMO’s? Beginner players will tell you its to hang out with friends online. Average players will tell you its to play an expansive game with a long interesting plot and cool mechanics. A veteran player would agree with those things as important, but not the most important. Veterans would say the most important thing in MMO’s is….. Fashion! Sure you can grind with friends and level up with butt ugly and mismatching gear, but wheres the fun in that? With fashion you can do said leveling with friends and look good while you die to that horde of spiders you’ve been farming. ESO takes fashion to…

  • Lore

    The Khajiit

    In light of the fact that the next chapter of ESO is Elsweyr, I would like to explain a little bit about its inhabitants, the “Khajiit.” The Khajiit are a race of felines that are born into different forms depending on what point their lunar cycle is currently in. Their lunar cycle is based off of two moons, Secunda and Masser. The moons are also know and Jone and Jode in Aldmeri lore. The most common type of the Khajiit seen in the games is the “Suthay-raht.” The Suthay-raht are bipedal Khajiit that the players usually play as in the Elder scrolls series. A similar type of Khajiit is the…

  • IRL News

    Master of Lore is no more.

    On February 6th, 2019 ZeniMax’s ESO Lore Master, Lawrence Schick, has stepped down from his position. The Lore Master is the title given to the lead lore writer and manipulator of the elder scrolls online series. Schick stepped down from the position due to “family reasons.” He never specified the exact reasons, be it positive or negative. The ESO team asked him to write about his time at ESO and his time working on the lore in a farewell letter. Instead he decided to discuss how the players add to and affected the lore of ESO. Here’s a small excerpt from his farewell letter. “Tamriel is a world where all…

  • Chapters,  Expansion Info

    A Small Look…

    On February 6, 2019 Bethesda Softworks UK released a small developer trailer called: “The Elder Scrolls Online – Elsweyr: Developer Deep Dive.” The trailer shows off game footage of what the Elsweyr expansion is going to look like. The trailer also explains what the Year, or Season of the Dragon’s first half entails. The developers really try to hype up the return of dragons, seeing how they were the main selling point of Skyrim. They hope to bring players back and draw in non-ESO players who loved Skyrim. The developers explain they want to expand the lore and myths around the Khajiit people, who are the main inhabitants of Elsweyr.…