Feature Story – Photography
Photography work was very interesting for my Feature Story, because Twitch.TV is an online live-streaming website for people who want to look at others live-stream their gameplays essentially. There really wasn’t a way for me to go out there a photograph Twitch.TV, besides knowing someone who streams their gameplays (streamers). But I had no connections with someone that I knew in real life who was a streamer (would have been cool though right?). Nor did taking pictures of people watching Twitch.TV sound like a good idea either due to reaching redundant content quick. So, my next best bet was to just take screenshots or snippets of specific things I wanted to showcase from the website itself from streamers to viewers chatting to how streamers layout their personal profile in trying to catch the eyes of the viewers for the sake of new subscribers/supporters. So this was all that I did for photographing my feature story on Twitch.TV.