Tryout Tips: How Can You Prepare to be Your Best!
Win, Lose, or Draw: How to be a Good Competitor
National’s season is right around the corner and all eyes are on the prize. With the big wins often come with many losses. In the sport of cheerleading, we know anything can happen on any given day and a big …
A Cheerleader’s Worst Nightmare…
As Nationals season is just around the corner, we are all anticipating the rush of cheer excitement, stress, and fun. All these feelings are commonly haunted by the “what if’s” in the cheer world. Let’s go over a few things …
Summit 2017: A Story of Adversity and Perseverance
I could see the pain in her eyes, and I could feel my heart burst into a million pieces. I just wanted her to be ok. Everything felt like slow motion. I just wanted to start over. I woke up …