Broke Mans Philosophy

Self Education

Up to now I’ve mainly focused on ways you can set yourself up for success in the future, I’ve covered a variety of topics around budgeting and investing for your future. This week, I’d like to go back and talk… Continue Reading →

My Favorite Books

Reading has been a huge part of my journey towards financial literacy, there are thousands of books written intelligent investors who share their strategies. There is a lot to learn from these books, including life style habits, financial habits, investing… Continue Reading →

Portfolio Diversity

Now that I’ve talked a little bit about multiple types of investing, I wanted to talk about a general strategy that I like to follow with my investment portfolio. This strategy is called portfolio diversification, and it is essentially just… Continue Reading →

Meme Investing

A popular craze in investing right now is meme investing. I few weeks ago, stocks like AMC, Game Stop, and Doge Coin say a huge spike in volatility and the prices sky rocketed. A lot of people made a lot… Continue Reading →

Introduction To Cryptocurrency

The next type of investments that I’d like to take a look at are cryptocurrencies. There is a lot to unpack with crypto and there are tons of fancy words that are used that confuse outsiders. I’m going to attempt… Continue Reading →

Dividend Investing

For my next topic I wanted to stay with investing because it is a subject that I am very interested in at the moment. I’ve been doing lots of research on different techniques and one that I stumbled upon is… Continue Reading →

Brief Look at Investing

Now that we’ve covered some of the basics of financial literacy and looked into ways to cut back on your spending’s. I’d like to introduce the topic of investing. Before we go any further, I just want to clarify that… Continue Reading →

Creating a Budget

After my last post about saving money and starting a budget sparked a lot of interest, I thought I’d spend some more time going more in depth on creating a budget. The strategy I am going to be going over… Continue Reading →

Saving Money

Now that I’ve talked a little bit about the importance of financial literacy, I should spend a little bit of time giving you actual ways you can save money. The first thing you need to do in order to save… Continue Reading →

Importance Of Financial Literacy

Look, I get it, talking about money and finances can be dry and for some people might even be a touchy subject. I also understand that as a college student it’s way more fun to party and not think about… Continue Reading →

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