The Harpies/Signor Deluso, plus scenic painting

Monday was dry tech, Tuesday was the sitz/wandelprobe, and tonight we start tech proper for “The Harpies” and “Signor Deluso.” The plan tonight is to tech one of the pieces, and then tech the other tomorrow night.

Here we see student stage manager Sam and student lighting designer Sam having a confab at the tech table after meeting the director and talking through plans for for the rest of the afternoon’s dry tech.

Here’s the state of the set two days ago — the sidewalls up, and the Deluso flats in place. That’s orchestra director Bob Gehrenbeck setting up the music stands and positioning chairs.

Meanwhile, the facades for “The Harpies” are laid out on the floor in the Hicklin theatre; in this pic, I have just finished painting them.

Here are the units rotated so the Deluso facades are in positions. Still lots to do — windows, doors, steps, etc.

Finally, one the classes held this semester is a group independent study for scenic painting. Right now, the students have a couple of projects going — finishing up a study in dilution, shades, and tones, paying attention to detail and brush control as they letter lines of text, and then image transfer and lining practice as they copy a painting.

Here’s Mary working in her dilution project:

And here’s Abby studying her painting and Sam working on his text:


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