Master Class

The rough plot of “Master Class,” mostly laid out. Even if a student intends to draft the final plot with a computer drafting program, I am adamant that they lay it out on paper first. I, for one, don’t understand how you can lay out your plot without looking at the entirety of the space in a reasonable scale. It’s not click and drop, but looking at systems and their relationships to the space as a whole (architecture and scenery) and being able to see the whole thing at once as revisions occur.

Once the rough plot is finished, time to start drafting the over stage plate. There’s the rough plot, pinned to the wall.

Finally, some more old person grumbling. Sure, you can get the plans of the theatre as a PDF or Vectorworks file. But if you don’t have a printer of the correct size, or the PDF isn’t scaled right, or the set designer gives you hand drafting, you end up with paper everywhere as you piece it all together.