Tag: Ryan

Gee, Thanks

Gee, Thanks

What is up my Hawks? It’s your favorite Fitness Supervisor Harv here again, but today’s Blog is going to come with awful news. Don’t freak out, but this is my final Blog as a member of the beloved Warhawk Fitness and Aquatics PR team. So 

We Want You

We Want You

What is up my fellow Warhawks? Today I am going to give you the ability to change your life with a part time Job. I know what you’re all thinking “Harv really? A part time job?” YES REALLY people. This Job will change your life 

It’s Getting Steamy Up in Here

It’s Getting Steamy Up in Here

What is up my Warhawks? It’s your favorite Fitness Supervisor Harv back again to share some more knowledge with my loyal readers. This blog is a little late in my opinion, but I didn’t unlock the true potential of the topic I’m writing about today until this past week. Hawks…. I can’t stress this enough this is going to be life-changing. I know what you’re all thinking, “Harv! Get on with it” well I won’t stall any longer. This holiday season my loving mother and father, sup mom and dad I know you read these, gifted me with a pressure cooker. This thing is like a crock pot steroids, antler velvet, and every other human growth hormone combined. You can cook just about anything in this bad boy in under 30 minutes. I have made countless recipes over this semester in this one-stop shop of a pot. Continue reading It’s Getting Steamy Up in Here



What up Warhawks? It’s your favorite Fitness Supervisor back again (a little early this month) here to slap some knowledge on you. With the New Year finally here there’s a lot of you trying to get the edge on the competition and grab hold of