Why Consistency Matters

aHey there lovely reader of this blog. I have a question for you? How consistent are you with your workouts? Do you try to go a certain number of times each week? Are you adding some variety into your routine to test your muscles in new ways? I know I would love to answer both of these questions by saying “YES OF COURSE I DO!” Unfortunately, that simply is not my reality. I have found that as this semester is winding down I have been making my personal health less of a priority. Recently though, I realized just how important this is. So, here is my list of reasons why you should start being more consistent with your health routine!

It makes working out easier: I know this sounds weird, but I am so serious about this. Having a set schedule for your workout routine will make the entire process much easier. For one thing, once you start going the gym consistently it will become a habit for you. Also, if you avoid the gym for a while your muscles will grow weaker which means that some of the progress you made will be destroyed.

It’s good for the soul: That’s a super cheesy way of putting it, but it is the honest truth! When you work out, your body releases endorphin’s, which make you happy. Working out consistently then puts you in a better mood and also gives you more energy to tackle the craziness that is college life. On the flip side, when you are inconsistent with your workouts, your body is slower to release those endorphin’s which leaves you feeling sluggish.

Overall positive impact: This is basically a combination of the two points I previously made, but I think it really gets my point across. When you are consistent in your workouts, meaning that you are going to the gym regularly each week, you will not only see an improvement in you muscle build up but you will also see an increase in your mood and energy levels. That being said, adding an element of consistency to your workout will benefit you in more way than one, making it even more beneficial than you may think.

I hope that this has has helped you to reconsider how you are currently working out! I know that it can be very challenging to find a motivation to work out during these chilling winter months, so I am hopeful that this blog will give you the extra push you need.

|Stay motivated and don’t give up. Amazing things will happen|


Julia O’Connor

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