Cardio Sport

Group Fitness ClassBy: Mary Marren

Lately I have been getting a little bit bored with my everyday workout routine. When working out in the William’s Center, there are only so many walls to stare at as I run on the treadmill. I wanted to try a new workout that allowed me to get the same amount of cardio with a little bit of strength training, too.  Of course I immediately turned to Warhawk Fitness to see what kind of classes I could take.  The first class that I stumbled upon was Cardio Sport.

Right away I knew that I wanted to try it out, considering cardio is in the name, I figured there would be a good amount of cardio. Well, as soon as the class started I realized that, “good amount” was an understatement. We were jumping, squatting, and kicking for an hour straight! I had an amazing workout and was extremely sweaty afterwards.

Additionally, I had the opportunity to talk one of the instructors about the class and the benefits it brings and here is what she said.

“Cardio sport is a class that tests your endurance and muscular strength. The combinations put together by the instructors include plyometrics, athletic moves and coordination drills. It is a high intensity class that both genders can enjoy! Since it is a cardio class, you work all areas of the body. It targets your quads, hamstrings, and calves mostly, due to constantly moving on your feet. However, based on the moves chosen for the class, one will be surprised that your arms and core get an awesome work out as well.” -Megan

From my first-hand experience I can personally say that after the class I was definitely feeling the burn! It was a great way to switch up my everyday cardio routine and add more variety! Besides being a great workout, Cardio Sport is also FUN. I brought a friend a long with me to the class and we were having a blast while encouraging each other to stay strong. Men, don’t feel like this class is solely for woman. The friend I brought a long was a male (who lifts and does cardio often) and even he said that the class was a great and challenging workout. 

Cardio Sport is offered on Mondays at 4:15 with Cara, and Thursdays at 5:45 with Megan. Still curious for more info? Don’t be intimidated, go check out the class for yourself!

Stay Healthy, Stay Strong,

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