Optimist Club 2015-16, week of August 29, 2016

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Greetings Optimists,

At our Tuesday evening meeting last week, August 23, we discussed:

  • Receiving the plaque at the “Golf Fore! Whitewater Kids” on behalf of the club from the Whitewater Unified School District as 2016 “Friend of Whitewater Kids.” Pictures from the event are on the Whitewater Banner web site, about halfway down the page.
  • We met our two new UW-W student interns for fall 2016, Rachel Sullivan and Brandon Lindholm.
  • Reviewed the discussion from the Exec Board meeting on August 9 regarding plans for the 2016 Installation Banquet.
    • Rick and Jeanine Fassl have offered to host this year’s banquet at their home on Monday, September 26.
    • Rick suggested having gyros as part of the evening’s meal which received MANY positive responses and affirmative head-nods.
    • Social time will begin about 5:30.
    • Dinner will begin about 6:30.
    • The program will end about 8:00pm
    • Watch for more info in the upcoming weeks.
  • Reviewed the Trivia Night planning meetings held this summer.


NFL “FUND CRAZR” RAFFLE TICKETS!!  Ticket sales were concluded on Thursday, August 25. In all we sold 192 tickets, returning only 8 unsold tickets. Eighteen club members sold between one and 32 tickets each!! The top sellers were Kim Simes (32 tickets), Dave Halbach (29), Jim McLernon (28), Hans Hahn (16) Duane Dickens (13), Lanora Heim (12), Jan Olson and Kate Ksobiech (10 each).  Thanks to everyone who bought and/or sold one or more tickets. As mentioned many times, the proceeds from this raffle will help our community.


Current events needing helpers:

Warhawk Football Ticket Taking. There are still a few time slots (two?) needing workers. Check the Google spreadsheet, “2016 Football Ticket Taking,” for the last few remaining slots. Hopefully, you can use the link in the spreadsheet title in the previous sentence to edit the spreadsheet and add you name in the appropriate cells. If you have trouble entering your name, let me know and I’ll help.


*** Do you have a topic you would like to present to the club? Do you know someone who could speak to the club? Job related? Travel related? Sports related? Youth related? Let me know if you, or someone you know, would like to present. See the dates below where we need speakers. ***


Dates for upcoming club meetings and events:

  • September 3, 10, & 24; football ticket taking
  • September 6, NO MEETING!
  • September 13, Exec Board meeting.
  • September 20, 12:00pm, speakers will be Mark Elworthy (New School District Administrator) and Nathan Jaeger (Business Manager) re: the upcoming school district referendum.
  • September 26; Annual Banquet hosted by Jeanine and Rick Fassl.
  • October 4, 12:00pm, speaker will be Kevin Bullis, Warhawk Football coach.
  • October 8 & 22; football ticket taking
  • October 11, Exec Board meeting.
  • October 18, 12:00pm, speaker TBD.
  • October 25, 5:00 pm. Speaker TBD.
  • November 1, 12:00pm, speaker TBD
  • November 5; Football ticket taking
  • November 7, Exec Board meeting. (New date to avoid conflict with the Presidential election on November 8)
  • November 15, 12:00pm, UC 259, Youth Appreciation Luncheon.
  • November 22, 5:00 pm. Speaker TBD.
  • November 29, 12 Noon, UC 259A, stuff goody bags for Breakfast with Santa.
  • December; Mitten tree, Toys for Kids
  • December 3; Breakfast with Santa


That’s all for tonight.


Share the Optimism,


Dave Halbach

UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club

920-650-6089 or 262-472-5749