HR Major Projects

As an HR major, you will complete a variety of course projects designed to give you hands-on experience with realistic and real-world problems. Below is a list of past projects students have completed. Please note that projects change from semester to semester. This list is just a sample of the types of things you may do.

  • MGT 425- Compensation Management:
    • Rapid Retail Project
      • Work with a group of classmates to create a compensation plan for a sample company.
  • MGT 426- Staffing:
    • Chern’s Project
      • Work with a group of classmates as members of an HR department to screen, interview, and prepare an offer letter to job candidates in a simulation.
  • MGT 428- Training and Development:
    • Internship Revamping
      • Work in teams to re-create the internship courses for specific majors to allow them to be more relatable and beneficial for the students.
  • MGT 430- Labor-Management Relations:
    • Past, Present, Future Project:
      • Work in teams to research the history of labor relations. Then write a paper regarding your stance on labor unions as well as a history of them.
  • MGT 478- Seminar in HR:
    • Eportfolio
      • Compile all information from your college experience and relate your experiences to the SHRM competencies.
    • Business-Partner Project
      • Work with an outside organization to help solve an issue or problem their organization is facing. Utilize your knowledge from all HR courses. Past clients have included Kohler, Kerry, Godfrey & Kahn, Blackhawk Logistics and Hendricks, Inc.