• Rainbow 6 Siege

    Ubisoft Learns how to Use the Reverse Card

    One of Siege’s biggest issue is teamkilling. Someone has a bad round, says something that gripes another, or even just trolls their team by shooting a couple of teammates in the head before being booted by the system. But with a new system implemented on the test servers, those days might soon be over. Thank. God. Over on the Siege TTS, a new report system is in place for when you get TK’d (Teamkilled). You can tell the server if it was an accident or not. If you say it was, it’s no harm no foul (besides you being dead). IF it wasn’t, though, the server remembers. We all ‘member. and the…

  • Rainbow 6 Siege

    The Hills Stole my Eyes and I can’t Step Anywhere – New Operators on the Horizon

    With the Invitational over, Siege gets ready for Operation Burnt Horizon and two new operators – Gridlock and Mozzie. These Aussie ops add some out of the box instruments to the game, with Gridlock’s “Trax Stinger’s” forcing roaming defenders to find another way back to point or risk getting tetanus from these high tech caltrops. Mozzie, on the other hand, will deploy a “Pest” that can, in some way or another, capture attacker drones that she can then use as surveillance devices for the defending team. The way I see it it boils down to this. If the attackers can get into the building and set up near point, Gridlock will…